Sorry  too little sleep    I'm not communicating effectively..

Heres a quick sketch out

Using JBoss 3.0.2

-Situation A - Works

JBoss Instance A              JBoss Instance B
ExternalConext points to ---> Standard JNDI Port

-Situation B - Does not Work  (NameNotFoundException)

Cluster A                     Cluster B
JBoss Instance A              JBoss Instance B
DefaultPartition A            DefaultPartition B   
ExternalContext points to --> HA-JNDI Port

(Different Multicast IPs for DefaultPartions A and B as well as for
Different Multicast IPs and Names for Other Partitions for EJBs.)

-Situation C - Does Work
Cluster A                     Cluster B
JBoss Instance A              JBoss Instance B
Default Partition <---------> Default Partition 
ExternalContext points to -----| 
HA-JNDI Port (localhost:1100 <-|

(Same Multicast IP for DefaultPatition on both A and B  Different
Multicast IPs and Partition names for EJBs in each cluster)

*Note JNDIView shows an empty tree under the entry for the
ExternalContext in both Situation B and C

A failure in this case means that a NameNotFoundException (NNF) is being
returned from the HA-JNDI in the case of Situation B.  I have not
verified but I believe that it is the Local HA-JNDI returning NNF in
case B.  Since the ExternalContext uses a simple InitialContext inside
of it why would that be going through the local HA-JNDI?

If its not local to Instance A then why would Instance B fail to look up
in one case (B) but not the other (C).

Im going to stick with Situation C anyways ass it lets me drop machines
in Cluster B without any configuration to cluster A like situation B
would make me do. Depending on the network traffic generated of course.

Hope that explains it a bit better... im operating on 3 hours of sleep
in the past 48.  crunch time.

Nice work on the clustering btw  Sacha, Bill and crew   works like a
fscking champ. Our arch even has a farm of Resin instances in front of
Cluster A load balancing and and failing over.


On Sat, 2002-09-28 at 12:06, Sacha Labourey wrote:
> What do you mean by "It doesn't work"? and "It fails"?
> > -----Message d'origine-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Brian
> > Towles
> > Envoyé : samedi, 28 septembre 2002 18:44
> > Objet : [JBoss-user] ExternalContext and HA-JNDI weirdness
> >
> >
> > Howdy all
> >
> > I having an issue using ExternalContext to point to a a HAJNDI instance
> > on a separate cluster of jboss machines.
> >
> > I have JBoss to JBoss communication working fine with tyrex on an
> > instance to instance basis.  And I have ExternalContext working fine
> > when I point it to the normal JNDI port.
> >
> > But when I point it to a HA-JNDI port on the other instance it fails.
> >
> > To get around this I can place all of the instances in the same Default
> > Partition and point the external context to the localhost HA-JNDI port
> > and it works.
> >
> >
> > Im just confused as to why pointing to the HA-JNDI port of a separate
> > cluster doesnt work.... any hints?
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> > -=Brian
> >
> >
> >
> >
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