
Juha-P Lindfors wrote:

>On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Marius Kotsbak wrote:
>>And why running the server on windows??? It defintially is not a server
>>os..... I thought you that promote open source would like to use it
>>(I even see that you are using IE, outlook and MS word! The most closed
>>source software that you can find! Hints: linux, mozilla.org,
>>openoffice.org, evolution)
>Oh no, the dirty secret is out! We're not zealots.
>-- Juha
Zealots or not - a standard compliant website should be a natural thing.
jboss.org is bloated and run through validator.w3.org gives about 800

Clean and fast is better than flashy and bloated (much like JBoss itself

If you don't have the time or resources to fix the site I can understand
that though.

// Anders

-- |===================================| | Anders Engström | | 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | http://www.gnejs.net | 
|===================================| |Your mind is like an umbrella. | 
|It doesn't work unless you open it.| | /Frank Zappa | 

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