I have a session bean calling invoke on a method in my mbean service that
seems to be successful in calling the method, but is getting the following
error. It's adding a ',' to the scheduleJob sig in the error, not sure what
that means.

19:01:55,159 ERROR [TaskSchedulerBean] Exception in MBean operation

Any help much appreciated.

--- session bean code snippet

   public void scheduleTask(FieldObj fInfo) throws RemoteException {

      Object result = null;

      try {
         List lServers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);

         MBeanServer lServer = (MBeanServer) lServers.get(0);

         ObjectName name = new

         Object[] args = { fInfo };
         String[] sig = { FieldObj.class.getName() };

         lServer.invoke(name, "scheduleJob", args, sig);

--- ServiceMBeanSupport

public void scheduleJob() throws Exception {
   log.debug(Scheduler.class, "calling scheduleJob()");

public void scheduleJob(FieldObj obj) throws Exception {
   log.debug(Scheduler.class, "calling scheduleJob(obj)");

--- ServiceMBean interface

public void scheduleJob() throws Exception;
public void scheduleJob(FieldObj obj) throws Exception;

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