we are using this approache :

we use ifconfig to add virtuals ip's.
we have the following script to create a new user (each of uses a
different configuration)
obs: if you try to start two instances, it will cause conflict at the
TCP ports. That's why you have to set the bindAddress in each service.
ANd let rmi use 0 at port so it gets the first available.

# Utilizacao instala.sh <user> <ip> <userOracle> <passwordracle>

if [ -z $1 ]  | [ -z $2 ]   | [ -z $3 ]  | [ -z $4 ] ; then
echo  "Utilizacao : instala.sh <usuario> <ip> <usuarioOracle>
exit 1;

#this explodes tgz with the default configuration, with some strings
# (eg. xxxxx) to be changed by sed
tar zxvf ./basico.tgz
mv basico $1
cd $1/conf
sed "s/xxxxx/$2/" jboss-service.xml > jj
cp jj jboss-service.xml
rm jj

cd ../deploy
sed "s/xxxxx/$2/" jbossmq-service.xml > jj
cp jj jbossmq-service.xml
rm jj

sed "s/uuuooo/$3/" oracle-service.xml > jj
sed "s/pppooo/$4/" jj > oracle-service.xml
rm jj

sed "s/xxxxx/$2/" tomcat4-service.xml > jj
sed "s/uuuuu/$1/" jj > tomcat4-service.xml
rm jj

cd ../..
chown -R $1 $1
chgrp -R users $1

cd /home/$1
cat .bashrc /usr/local/jboss/server/refrc > jj
sed "s/xxxxx/$2/" jj > .bashrc
sed "s/uuuuu/$1/" .bashrc > jj
cp jj .bashrc
rm jj
chown $1 .bashrc
chgrp users .bashrc
#tar zxvf /usr/local/eclipse/template.tgz
#. .bashrc
#cd eclipse
#/usr/local/eclipse/eclipse -data ./workspace
#cd ..
#chown -R $1 eclipse
#chgrp -R users eclipse
#cd /usr/local/jboss/server

obs: if you need the basico.tgz, where have the defaults to be changed 
by the script, tell me, becouse i sent this email before, but the 
attached file refused allt he email.

Tom Davies wrote:
 > I need to run several jboss instances on a single machine, for
 > test/training etc., and I'd rather not try to deploy two instances of my
 > application in one server.
 > Is there a cookbook for doing this? I've run into some JNDI config
 > problems.
 > Thanks,
 > Tom
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| Emerson Cargnin          |
| Analista de Sistemas Sr. |
| Tel : (051) 3358-4959    |
| SICREDI Serviços         |
| Porto Alegre - Brasil    |

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