java:comp/env/-- is private to each ejb and is defined
by the ejb-ref and ejb-local-ref in the bean, what you
should do instead is :

in your ejb-jar.xml for the bean that references
CompanyUser bean through java:comp/env/ejb/CompanyUser

plus information according to the bean :
ejb-ref-type, local-home, local

of course we assume that you two beans
are in the same jar deployement.

otherwise you don't specifu ejb-link and
use jboss.xml instead to make the link
to the bean.

 --- Derek Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : >
> The short name will work ok.  (Because it is the
> JNDI name).  But having the short name working is
> definitely more convenient.
> I might have found out what the problem is.  I think
> it's my misunderstanding of ejb-ref.  I read some
> more on it.  If I am not wrong, ejb-ref is used to
> refer to OTHER ejb's.
> So I have it in my company bean:
> * @ejb:ejb-ref ejb-name="CompanyUser"
> view-type="local"
>  * @ejb:ejb-ref ejb-name="CompanyUser"
> view-type="remote" 
> After that, this line of code works:
> CompanyUserLocalHome home =
> CompanyUserUtil.getLocalHome();
> However, I am not 100% sure when CompanyUserUtil now
> can access the long name
> (java:comp/env/ejb/CompanyUserLocal), I mean, then
> ejb-ref entry is done in my Company bean (in the
> ejb-jar.xml), not the CompanyUserUtil (there is no
> entry for CompanyUserUtil in the ejb-jar.xml).  Any
> thoughts?
> -- Derek
> ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Rick LaBanca 
>   Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 8:02 PM
>   Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] lookup java:comp/env/
>   I had this same issue. I Think it may be correct
> that the ejb doesn't have access to this absolute
> path you are trying, but not positive.
>   Anyway, the utility class generated by xdoclet
> makes two string constants, one of them is the short
> name you used succesfully. 
>   My xdoclet was using the longer name too, but I
> changed something in my class or specs and it
> started making a util class that used the shorter
> name. I don't have the code in front of me (not at
> work now), and I really didn't know then what
> exactly fixed it. Hope that's a clue.
>   I find the namespace issues to be confusing to
> begin with (for most people, the roles of a separate
> person being an app assembler and deployer are
> mythical!)
>   rick
>     From: Derek Lin 
>     Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 9:20 PM
>     Subject: [JBoss-user] lookup java:comp/env/
>     I have found that
> won't work with JBoss.  Instead, I have to use
> initialContext.lookup("CompanyUserLocal").
>     In my jboss.xml, there is this entry:
>           <entity>
>              <ejb-name>CompanyUser</ejb-name>
>              <jndi-name>ejb/CompanyUser</jndi-name>
> <local-jndi-name>CompanyUserLocal</local-jndi-name>
>           </entity>
>     I can see how
> initialContext.lookup("CompanyUserLocal") is
> working, but can't see why
> will not work other than the fact the JBoss is not
> supporting it.  It is supposed to be a standard. 
> More importantly, it is the way Xdoclet generates
> its util classes.
>     Any thoughts?
>     -- Derek

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