At various times there have been various class cast problems, and many of
them have been fixed.  Please be sure you are using an up to date jboss
version (such as 3.0.4) before complaining too loudly.

david jencks

On 2002.11.03 14:26:08 -0500 John Snyder wrote:
> My problem looks very similar to the problem reported in the forum on
> this
> thread:
> &q=%2BClassCastException+%2Bredeploy#3711632
> However, it looks like nobody has a solution.  Is this the case?  Do I
> have
> to restart JBoss every time I want to redeploy, to avoid this
> exception???
> That would hardly be a viable option in a production environment...
> Any information/guidance would be most appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -- John
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: John Snyder
>   Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 11:31 AM
>   Subject: ClassCastException on redeploy of .ear
>   Hello all,
>   Using jboss-3.0.0_tomcat-4.0.3, I am trying to access a Session bean
> called Registration from within a servlet, both of which are part of an
> application called pc, deployed as pc.ear.  Here is the code I'm using to
> do
> it:
>   Context jndiContext = getInitialContext();
>   Object ref = jndiContext.lookup("RegistrationHomeRemote");
>   RegistrationHomeRemote registrationHome = (RegistrationHomeRemote)
>   PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,RegistrationHomeRemote.class);
>   RegistrationRemote registration = registrationHome.create();
>   registration.remove();
>   Everything works fine when I start jboss fresh and deploy the ear.
> However, as soon as I make a change to any file and re-deploy the ear, I
> get
> a ClassCastException at the third line.  I'm totally stumped - why would
> it
> work on initial deployment, then stop working on re-deployment???  Any
> help
> would be most appreciated.
>   My deployment configuration files are as follows:
>   ejb.jar:
>   <session>
>   <display-name>Registration</display-name>
>   <ejb-name>Registration</ejb-name>
>   <home>com.pc.ejb.session.interfaces.RegistrationHomeRemote</home>
>   <remote>com.pc.ejb.session.interfaces.RegistrationRemote</remote>
>   <ejb-class>com.pc.ejb.session.beans.RegistrationBean</ejb-class>
>   <session-type>Stateful</session-type>
>   <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type>
>   </session>
>   jboss.xml:
>   <session>
>   <ejb-name>Registration</ejb-name>
>   <jndi-name>RegistrationHomeRemote</jndi-name>
>   </session>
>   web.xml:
>   <servlet>
>   <servlet-name>RegistrationServlet</servlet-name>
>   <servlet-class>com.pc.servlets.RegistrationServlet</servlet-class>
>   </servlet>
>   <ejb-ref>
>   <ejb-ref-name>Registration</ejb-ref-name>
>   <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
>   <home>RegistrationHomeRemote</home>
>   <remote>RegistrationRemote</remote>
>   <ejb-link>Registration</ejb-link>
>   </ejb-ref>
>   jboss-web.xml:
>   <ejb-ref>
>   <ejb-ref-name>Registration</ejb-ref-name>
>   <jndi-name>pc/RegistrationHomeRemote</jndi-name>
>   </ejb-ref>
> -------------------------------------------------------
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> Las Vegas (supported by COMDEX), the only Apache event to be
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