Thanks James,

I think you are correct.  I can't remember everything.  I just finished putting all my ejb interfaces into a separate "interface" package and getting XDoclet to work nicely, and then turned to my MBeans, and took a quick look at manual from advanced training at layout of sar file, and thought OK - separate "interface" package works here to, makes sense, blah blah.

Oh well, perhaps this could be thought of as a flaw in JMX spec.


James Higginbotham wrote:
Hmm. True.. Here is what I was referring to:

Pg 37 from the 1.0 JMX instrumentation spec:

"The name of an MBean's Java interface is formed by adding the MBean
suffix to the
MBean's Java class name. For example, the Java class MyClass would
the MyClassMBean interface. The interface of a standard MBean is
referred to as its
MBean interface."

Although not explicitly stated, I think it could be inferred, since
there is not way per the spec to identify the location of the interface
or impl from one another (via a manifest entry or something). I know
that JB and WLS both assume the same package by default. But alas, I'm
not sure if Jboss provides a means to declare this or not. Nothing
stands out in the pay-for docs to me.. AFAICT, it appears that the
code="" attribute in your -service.xml is all that is used to find the
rest of the mbean. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] MBean Question

Thanks James,

I skimmed the spec and could not find any specs on the package of the 
interface.  Furthermore, the manual from the adanced JBoss training has 
a diagram of a sar file that shows the MBean and its interface as being 
in different packages.   Scott or Juha want to weigh in here ?


James Higginbotham wrote:

I believe the mbean spec from Sun requires the interface and impl to be

in the same package, with a specific naming convention. Check the spec 
for details..


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] MBean Question

I have an MBean which I deploy as a sar file with no problems provided 

put the MBean class and its interface in the same package.  However, if
I move the interface into a separate package, and taking care that the 
MBean class and interface are in the sar file, JBoss throws an 
exception, complaining that my class does not expose an MBean
I'm running JBoss 3.2 on Win2000.  Is this a bug, or is there 

else that needs to be put into the deployment descriptor to ensure that
the interface is recognized ?



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