1. What's the read-ahead/strategy of findAll() ? Since you want to get all the beans value object, it should be set to on-find, otherwhise, you are going to have the N+1 finder problem
2. Since you're populating the ValueObject with the content of your CMR fields, because each access to the CMR fields will call their findByPrimaryKey() to load them. Me, I always load CMR when needed. If they are always needed, then I use de Dependant  Value Class
3. Internal/External ValueObject creation. This make sense because in the external, each call of a getter from the ValueObject passes via the beanProxy (+ interceptors), where in the internal case you are already in the bean, then no overhead of the beanProxy
4. It may be interesting to see the result if you load all the 1000 beans, but return just a page of 25 ValueObjects, which is how most web-pages works to avoid those performance problems - then, make sure that the read-ahead strategy of the findAll() is set to on-load
-----Original Message-----
From: Luttrell, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] CMRs are Slow (was: Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help)

The "Entity Bean Performance Tuning Help" thread went off in various different directions. The thread begged a sample and a little more detail as to what was slow. I've identified the problem to be (CMRs) and provided a full sample (attached).
Lets rehash what i'm testing:
    The code runs inside of a SSB with a transaction on each method vs servlet (struts action) + manual transaction as in the real app. I use hypersonic vs oracle in my real app.
    calls findAll()
        dumps out the time
    iterates through each calling all methods and building a valueobject.
        this should cache all results (checkout my jboss.xml)
    iterates through each calling all methods and building a valueobject (a 2nd time)
        dumps out the time
    iterates through each and calling 1 method on ejb, which builds the valueobject internally
        dumps out the time
I'm mostly concerned with the last time, as it's what i do in my real case...because it's the fastest.
The entitybean has 2 CMRs. The read-all+fields time for 1000 cached beans using internal valueobject generation takes about 670ms. But with 1 cmr it only takes 350ms. And with No cmrs it only takes 150ms. [if you want slightly modified code, let me know].
Now 150ms is great! But 350 isn't. It's more then double. Is this acceptable? Add a few more and it's unusable for a lot of applications.
Arguably cmp EntityBeans were worthless till ejb2.0 and CMRs came along. But to actually use them in JBoss is suicide for performance.
The attached sample has a test class called "Test", which can be run with -c to generate 1000 test rows. Also included is an ant script which builds the test beans and deploys them to jboss, if you set your jboss.install path in build.properties.
Here the actual output from my last test run:
14:31:36,312 INFO  [STDOUT] creating 1000 Blobs...
14:31:43,968 INFO  [STDOUT] Creation complete, took 7656ms.
14:31:46,328 INFO  [STDOUT] testing retrival speed...
14:31:46,328 INFO  [STDOUT] Initial Retrival, beans may or maynot be in cache.
14:31:46,375 INFO  [STDOUT]     finder took 47ms.
14:31:49,140 INFO  [STDOUT]     External ValueObject creation took 2765ms for 1000 objects.
14:31:49,859 INFO  [STDOUT]     Internal ValueObject creation took 719ms for 1000 objects.
14:31:49,859 INFO  [STDOUT] Secondary Retrival, beans are in cache.
14:31:50,125 INFO  [STDOUT]     finder took 266ms.
14:31:52,765 INFO  [STDOUT]     External ValueObject creation took 2640ms for 1000 objects.
14:31:53,437 INFO  [STDOUT]     Internal ValueObject creation took 672ms for 1000 objects.
These results also beg the question of why the interceptor stack takes so long to transversion, hense the extra 2000ms for 1000s ejbs, but lets leave that for a seperate thread.
<as always ignore my companies crazy warning message below>

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