I've just deployed an implementation of the scheduler example supplied in
the JBOSS documentation.
However I discovered this issue occurring in the Log.
Since I don't know squat about MBeans (apart from the types) and have never
deployed one can someone assist as to how to remove the error:

21:02:54,031 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] MBeanException: Exception in MBean
operation 'checkIncompleteDeployments()'
Cause: Incomplete Deployment listing:
Packages waiting for a deployer:
Incompletely deployed packages:
MBeans waiting for classes:
MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
[ObjectName: jboss.util:service=Scheduler,type=killOldDays
 state: CREATED
 I Depend On:
 Depends On Me: ]
21:02:54,046 INFO  [URLDeploymentScanner] Started
21:02:54,046 INFO  [Scheduler] Starting
21:02:54,156 INFO  [Scheduler] Started
21:02:54,156 INFO  [MainDeployer] Deployed package:
21:02:54,156 INFO  [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.0.3 Date:200209301503]
Started in 0m:32s:47ms
21:02:55,203 INFO  [killOldDays] Executed Availability Killer At: Fri Nov 15
21:02:55 GMT 2002

As you can see from the log it still executes????

Best Regards,
Anthony Geoghegan.
J2EE Developer
CPS Ireland Ltd.

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