If you use the factory .bashrc from redhat, it makes a callout to /etc/bashrc. environment variables set in /etc/bashrc thus are available to all users. init should pick up variables set in this file. This is fine if you only have one jdk for all users on the machine.


I am looking at the script in jboss-head and it runs the startup script optionally under another username, which is highly recommended. If you create a JbossUser, and configure that user’s .bashrc, the start up script should pick up those variables.








John Fawcett

CTO, Tamale Software, LLC

26 Fox Road

Waltham, MA 02451



-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mike Lecza
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 7:33 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Start JBoss 3 upon Linux Reboot


JBoss 3 + RH Linux 7.x


We currently start Jboss upon reboot by running the start script in rc.local. The problem is that the JAVA_HOME which is set in .bashrc is not set before rc.local is executed during the Linux startup. Asside from setting JAVA_HOME in the jboss start script or setting it in rc.local, what would be the recommended method of starting Jboss upon reboot?



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