Hi all

I have an WAR Archive containing some (Class-Files of) MBeans.
These MBeans should make some parts of the WebApp available over the JMX Agent.
How can I deploy these MBeans "inside" my Web-App?

I tried to build an SAR File which contains the WAR File and inside META-INF Directory 
the jboss-service.xml File.

My jboss-service.xml looks like:

--- 8< snip ---

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE server>
<!-- $Id: counter-service.xml,v 1.2 2002/02/24 10:24:35 user57 Exp $ -->


  <mbean code="xx.Kostenstruktur" name="xx:service=Kostenstruktur">


--- 8< snip ---

Now JBoss encounters problems with its ClassLoader.

--- 8< snip ---
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: xx.Kostenstruktur
--- 8< snip ---

How can I configure the MBean to use the Classes INSIDE the WAR Archive?

I tried to put these into the jboss-service.xml:
--- 8< snip ---
<classpath codebase="deploy/tpfm_web.sar/tpfm_web.war/WEB-INF/classes" archives=""/>
--- 8< snip ---

This will deploy the MBean but while running the WebApp JBoss tells me:

--- 8< snip ---
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: path.to.webapp.class.SomeClazz
--- 8< snip ---

How can I deploy a WAR Archive / WebApplication containing MBeans?



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