Does anyone know how to get get BLOBs working in Oracle? I need to store some larger pdfs in the db and some of the bytes in the file are causing a causing a problem when stored as a varchar or CLOBs.
I'm using Oracle9i and JBoss3.0.4. I have a CMP field of type Object.
I have setup my jbosscmp-jdbc:
And the standardjboscmp-jdbc.xml contains this under Oracle9i:
I have deployed the 9i drivers we got from oracle. The exact file name is ojdbc14.jar, which i guess reflects oracles new naming scheme.
I call the setMyField(Object field) method and sent it a String. Then I call the getMyField method and it returns null. There is not errors in the log files. I had a dba trace my session and it is in fact getting to the db as "update mytable set myfield=:1 where mykey=:2". Is Jboss generating the correct SQL?
Any ideas why this isn't working for me?

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