I have been able to put CLOBs and BLOBs into Oracle 9i using JBoss 3.0.4, though admittedly after jumping through several hoops.

1) yes, ejb's aren't supposed to do i/o - I do my work delegated from the servlet level.

2) You have to have autocommit off. For some reason autocommit is on by default in JBoss 3 (wasn't in 2.4) from Connections from DataSources. Please someone tell me how to turn this off in a global config somewhere!

3) You have to first insert a row using an empty lob. For example,
insert into my_table (key, data) values ('1', empty_blob())
. You could have used empty_clob() if you were using CLOBS instead of BLOBS.

4) You can then update the BLOB, hower you have to re-select *** using select for update ***. If you don't use select for update, ** it won't work **. For example,
select data from my_table where key = '1' for update

5) You then can update the BLOB from the ResultSet. Notice I said oracle.sql.BLOB not java.sql.Blob. I had to use an Oracle-specific type here. I couldn't get it to work any other way, and I spent hours (no, setBinaryStream does not work)... For example,
BLOB blob = (BLOB)rs.getBlob(1);
BufferedOutputStream bos =
new BufferedOutputStream( blob.getBinaryOutputStream() );
// write to the output stream
// safely close everything up

6) Don't forget to commit the work you did. This will commit the insert and the data your wrote to your BLOB.

7) I set the autocommit on the Connection back to what it was when I first got it from the DataSource, before I close it (the Connection, which returns it to the pool). Again, I'd like to see autocommit off since I wrap everything in a UserTransaction and it should be committed there instead...

Hope this will save you some of the painful time I had to go through if you decide to go this route.



Luttrell, Peter escribió::
Has anyone had experience storing large pdfs with jboss, say ~5mbs each?
I would like to do it with Oracle and BLOBs, but i've read that there's problems with the drivers and jboss and it doesn't look like it will be possible.
Has anyone done with with any other database?
Does anyone have ideas on how else to store these files, maybe without a database? I've always thought the filesystem was pretty much off limits from the appserver.

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David Ward

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