On Saturday 04 January 2003 04:48, Pete Beck wrote:

> I agree with Sun 100% on this.  Using the file-system is bad news for
> maintenance, scalability and as the article says security.
> I've seen the chaos that using the filesystem can cause in clustered
> environments and I would say avoid it if you can.
> Of course, the problem is Oracle seems to have totally pathetic support
> for large objects from Java.  However I am using Postgres and it works
> like a charm.

Postgres is more natural, yes.  However, Oracle's support is still good.  You 
just need to use a combination of the JDBC LOB support with the DBMS_LOB 

We use a combination of stored procedures that manipulate the LOB using 
DBMS_LOB.getlength(), DBMS_LOB.read(), DBMS_LOB.write(), and DBMS_LOB.copy(), 
in combination with the getBlob(), select, and select for update operations.

Postgres is pretty much the same, but supports most of these operations 
directly from the JDBC driver, instead of through a database package for LOB 
operations.  The only difference I can see from a usability standpoint, is 
Postgres lacks a copy operation.  You would have to write a stored procedure 
in C I would imagine, to obtain this goal in Postgres.

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