Recently we had an interesting thread about the realtive qualities of
Hibernate and CMP.

One of the points that I picked up from the discussion, is that if you
are only using CMP entities for persistent O/R based objects, then
lightweight systems like Hibernate may provide a better and faster

As Hibernate and CMP offer similar features in this area, it got me
thinking whether it would be possible to have a pattern where you could
use either system interchangeably as an implementation.

So for example, you abstract the specifics of both technologies behind a
Facade pattern.

Depending on what implementation you use (Hibernate, CMP or another),
you merely uses different implementations of the Facade.
This would only be practical to do if you are using some sort of code
generation system such as XDoclet or XSLT.

The Facade would abstract the jobs of finding, creating and deleting
instances of persistant objects.

Does anyone else think this type of pattern would be useful? Or does it
sound like science fiction?

Peter Beck BEng (hons)  - Managing Director, Electrostrata Ltd.  --+-+--  Experts in e-business and e-commerce

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