Sorry to take so long in responding but I've just been going
through this issue in our code, stand alone axis 1.0 + jboss
(not jbossnet).

> This approach is outdated, because the best way, IMHO, is to take the
> server-generated wsdl and pre-generate client stubs using the 
> wsdl2java
> toolkit. They should have some exception support there ready 
> to remap the
> AxisFault to 
> ordinary java exceptions, shouldn´t they? Classname is there, 
> message is
> there, maybe not the stack trace.

The 1.0 code only adds the exception name if it is a subclass of
AxisFault so only the axis faults can be reproduced on the client
side.  All other exceptions get translated into an AxisFault
containing only the message and stack trace.

I have had to extend the wsdl2java to include my own type mapping
hierarchy and exception handling (the type mapping for some custom
DTOs that are not java beans).  The exception gets serialised
into XML on the server side and placed into the soap fault detail
by my own EJB provider.  The new generated proxy code catches the
AxisFault on the client and, if the exception detail is present,
regenerates the original exception and throws it instead.

This has required a very big hack to get it working but it does work.
The changes are very fragile so I would be loathed to change to another
version of Axis without a lot of work.  It is certainly safer to stick
with the Axis implementation but unfortunately that was not an option
open to me.


Kevin Conner
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