Dear clusterers,
Looking at the server.log of my jboss-3.0.6 server and noticed multiple instances of the server named ap01 in the cluster. Any ideas on how the same server node got to be in the same cluster 4 times? And what effect would this have on the running cluster?

here's the server.log output...

2003-02-18 17:20:59,178 DEBUG [org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition] Starting ClusterParti
tion: DefaultPartition
2003-02-18 17:20:59,179 INFO [org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition] Connecting to channel
2003-02-18 17:20:59,203 INFO [STDOUT]
GMS: address is ap01:32876
2003-02-18 17:20:59,331 INFO [org.jboss.ha.framework.server.HAPartitionImpl.DefaultPartition] New c
luster view: 7 ([ap03:34203, ap04:34361, ap01:32870, ap01:32872, ap01:32874, ap01:32876])
2003-02-18 17:20:59,332 DEBUG [org.jboss.ha.framework.server.HAPartitionImpl.DefaultPartition] ViewA
ccepted: initial members set

I don't know if this is relevant but prior to noticing the above in the logs I had trouble restarting the server ap01. On startup log output just stopped at the
"GMS: address is ap01:32876"
part of the cluster initialization. I ran the default jboss configuration once then was able to successfully start my clustered configuration. I am not sure why this happened either, so if anybody has any ideas?

we are running Redhat 7.3 and the sun j2sdk1.4.1_01.

thanks for any info.

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