You can use the PrefixDeploymentSorter instead of
DeploymentSorter (the default). Its usage is explained
inside jboss-service.xml (where it is configured). 


 --- "Demyanovich, Craig - Apogent"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > I've been
migrating an application from 2.4.x to
> 3.0.x.  The users here have
> been very helpful.  I hope that with one more
> answer, I can complete the
> migration.
> In 2.4.x, we deployed our EAR to the deploy
> directory and our MBeans to the
> lib directory.  In jboss.jcml, we could place our
> MBean description at the
> bottom of the file so that the MBeans would load
> last.  Since our MBean uses
> a class in the EAR, this configuration worked well. 
> How do I force our
> MBeans to wait for the EAR to be deployed on 3.0.x? 
> Some posts in the
> forums and this list have suggested that it's
> possible to do so, but I
> haven't read about any successes.  Ideally, I don't
> want to modify the code
> or build process.  However, if that is the only way
> to accomplish my goal,
> please say so.  Furthermore, what is the best way to
> accomplish my goal.
> As always, many thanks for your time.
> Craig

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