Have you read *any* of the Log4J docs (api or otherwise) or tried using it!?!?

Log4J is very solid and very robust.  It can log not just to file (including
rolling) but to a database, to email, to jms, to syslog, etc.  It can be
configured via xml (preferred) or properties.  Filtering and log levels are easy
to use.  You can use standard formats or define your own.  It can be managed via
JMX.  Logging can be done asyncronously. ... The list goes on and on.


And what do you mean by "lose packets?"  You mean lose a log record?  I've never
seen it happen with Log4J.

As an aside, as much as I love Log4J (and use it in all my apps now) - I don't
use its API directly.  I use Jakarta Commons Logging, which sits on TOP of Log4J
(or JDK1.4 logging, or whatever - it's pluggable).  It works very well, and I
don't lose any of my Log4J features.  It just allows the site administrator to
change the actual logging implementation if he want to.  The code just uses the
interfaces.  Of course, I don't see why anyone would NOT want to use Log4J for
the logging implementation...



Mensaje citado por costin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   Hi!
>   This is somewhat off-topic but here goes. I need to implement some
>   sort of logging in my application, meaning each time an operation on
>   the database is done (or more precise an operation happining with
>   tranzaction) I need to log it in a safe manner.
>   I am thinking about the log4j but this is just a simple output - I
>   need a very strong logging facility (I don`t want to lose packets).
>   Can anyone give me a clue?
> --
> Thanks,
>  costin          

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