----- Original Message -----
From: "Rod Macpherson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Feature idea

> > JBoss is an EJB engine.  What kind of "page" are you talking about?
> > think you are actually talking about a web app bundled up into a war
> > with other stuff and deployed on a jboss-jetty or jboss-tomcat
> > combination.  But JBoss itself doesn't have anything to do with
> Guy,
> I for one appreciate that David distilled "web app bundled up into a
> with other stuff and deployed on a jboss-jetty or jboss-tomcat
> to "pages" since the abbreviated reference was both unambiguous and
> JBoss is now an umbrella label for the complete J2EE stack including
> JCA, JSP and so on.

Well, I'm just a user of JBoss, not part of JBoss Group, so I'll let
them draw the line.  My understanding is that Jetty is still a
separately maintained product - it is **optionally** bundled with JBoss
as a convenience and to gain the performance advantage (if you so
choose) of running them both in a single JVM.  But I'd prefer not to
obfuscate the terminology.  I choose to run JBoss and Tomcat
independently, on different servers.  Does it make sense in that context
to speak of JBoss serving pages, and if so, what pages would that be
referring to?  And while it may seem I'm being too picky about
terminology, it helps in isolating problems to understand which
component is responsible for what.  For example, in David's example,
Jetty would have to put up the temp page, since it is the piece that is
rendering JSP pages.

David, if I came across as abrupt, I apologize.  We've been in a crunch
at work and I haven't been sleeping enough.  Perhaps I should just lurk.

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