Here is the problem I am experiencing..
I have 3 related entities - A, B and C. There is a many-to-many relationship between A and B and a many-to-one between B and C. I am using CMR to manage these relationships. I am trying to set object B on object A. Before that, I set object C on object B. While this is being done, Jboss attempts to load the reverse relationship on object C. For example, when i invoke, b.setC(), JBoss loads the reverse relationship (equivalent of invoking c.getBs()). All I could trace from the log is, the EntitySynchronizationInterceptor comes into play and there is probably an attempt to synchronize the data in the cache and in the persistent store. However, I do not understand the need for this querying on the reverse relationship since its causing significant performance costs on our system. I am using Jboss 3.0.3 and havent been able
to trace the source of this problem. Your help would be appreciated.
- [JBoss-user] CMR problems with Jboss 3.0.3 Upendra Kanda
- [JBoss-user] CMR problems with Jboss 3.0.3 Upendra Kanda