With this code:

_context = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/");
_messageLocalHome = (MessageLocalHome) _context.lookup("local/Message");
}catch(NamingException ned){
_systemLogger.error("Couldn't initialize all of the business objects: " + ned.getMessage());

I now get this on the console:

13:27:01,385 ERROR [system] Couldn't initialize all of the business objects: local not bound

Do I need something different in the arguments to lookup() than this:

_context = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/");


On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 02:04 AM, costin wrote:


I`ve had the same problem when moving from Resin. As far as I can tell
deploying a bean without any jndi configuration(i.e. jboss.xml) will
deploy your beans under local:

i.e.you should search your bean like this:

I don`t why this isn`t specified in the docs - I am using Jboss 3.0.6

Anyway a great tool to see where your beans are deployed is using the
jmx-console. Start the jboss server and then point your web browser at
localhost:8080 (or whatever settings you have). Then enter the
jmx-console(by default it won`t ask for a user/pass). The there select

service=JNDIView and at the bottom of the page invoke the list bean.

In the end you`ll see all the deployed names in the JNDI space.

Hope it helps...

MH> On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 07:11 PM, Guy Rouillier wrote:

Note I changed your subject - don't use the digest as the subject for
a particular question, many people may skip it.

MH> And I've changed it back to the original because I almost skipped this
MH> one.

I do things the old fashioned way, with deployment descriptors. But your context isn't being properly constructed. You don't do a lookup to establish a context.

MH> Here's my code again since the original got mangled.

MH> try{
MH> _context = (Context) new
MH> InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/ejb");
MH> _messageLocalHome = (MessageLocalHome) _context.lookup("Message");
MH> }catch(NamingException ned){
MH> _systemLogger.error("Couldn't initialize all of the business
MH> objects: " +

MH> ned.getMessage());
MH>                 }

MH> The above code is currently working with Resin. I'm trying to make it
MH> work with JBoss, but don't know if Resin is doing something
MH> non-standard or not. I think maybe Resin is doing something that is
MH> allowing me to skip the PortableRemoteObject.narrow() call. Do I need
MH> to do that when using JBoss?
MH> Thanks,
MH> -M@

Here is an example from some code I wrote; this would get the params
to construct the context from the jndi.properties file:

Object metricsRef = new
NetworkMetricsHome metricsHome = (NetworkMetricsHome)
metrics = metricsHome.create();

If you want to specify explicit properties to your context, you can do
something like this:

   java.util.Hashtable env = new java.util.Hashtable();
   env.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming;");
   env.put("java.naming.provider.url", jndiNamingProviderUrl);

  Object ref = new
  NCCHome home = (NCCHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,
  ncc = home.create();

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