MBeans are lighter weight than EJBs imho, but are still a heavyweight solution.

JBoss uses log4j, which uses a properties file or XML file for its configuration. However, you can go into your jmx-console and use the Log4jService to reconfigure log4j. I am not sure how they did this, but I think its a good example of using MBeans to manage third party library configuration.

To your point about testing, I have no good answer... I am just starting with JMX myself and have not figured out automated testing yet.

If this is a development box you are using, you could write a quick ant target that packages up your properties into a jar and copies it to the JBoss deploy directory. Not sure how this will work with the loader repositories.. you may have to do some classloader voodoo.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

David Corbin wrote:

I'm not very educated on EJBs (in any form), but I tend to resist them as they make automated testing a lot more complex. And, often the configuration is for a piece of code that I don't have control of (i.e, a third party library that relies on a properties file, or an XML file of some sort).


Ryan Hoegg wrote:

This may be a sledgehammer for your thumbtack, but you could redesign your configuration system to use JMX MBeans.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

David Corbin wrote:

Please feel free to tell me I'm nuts, or that there is a better way to solve my problem.

I'd like to have a directory that is "recognized by a class loader as if it were on the class path", that is intrinsicly associated with a .WAR (I can't speak to .EAR, though that might be good too). Here's why:
I package my web application in .WAR file, and I distribute that application that way. When I want to tweak a confiugration, I have to unjar-edit-rejar the .WAR file. I really find this very annoying and prone to mistakes when different systems need to have different configurations. If I could have a directory in "deploy" that was automatically associated with different .WAR files, managing configuration issues would be much eaiser. Say "foo.war.classes" for "foo.war". Since, as I understand it, JBoss provides a class loader, I would think it is just a question of making that class loader a little smarter.


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