I'm testing a web application being developed in-house at my firm, and we're trying to ensure it runs on a variety of application server platforms. Where we've run into difficulty testing with JBoss is deployment; after placing our jars, wars and sars in the deploy directory of the appropriate server configuration, we keep having problems with one particular business logic bean. The error message we receive states "Exception thrown: javax.naming.NotContextException", originates at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$PoolThread.run (ThreadPool.java: 455) and is thrown at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.lookup (NamingServer.java: 271). Documentation is sparse and sketchy, so we've been unable (and partly unwilling; we'd rather not sift through several lines of unfamiliar code across different packages) to track down the source of this exception ourselves.
Can anyone please give a probable cause for this (we've checked to ensure that all configuration files are in place, et cetera) and suggest a fix? Thanks.
Oluseyi Sonaiya

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