Okay, I'm just trying to find a simple piece of information. Can a one 
to many CMR be created that references a non-key field of another 
EJB? For instance I'd like to do the following:

+-----------------+                +-----------------------+
|      Text       |                |      FunkyThing       |
+-----------------+                +-----------------------+
| pk: int         | *            1 | pk: int               |
| text_id: int    +<---------------+ description: int (FK) |
| locale: String  |                | ...                   |
| message: String |                |                       |
+-----------------+                +-----------------------+

So, basically, it would be a one-to-many unidirectional relation to a 
non-unique, non-key field. This is to support an internationalization 
scheme where a single text_id would be used for multiple languages to 
identify the replacement text for a particular description.

I have always used relations with primary keys involved, and was just 
wondering if this kind of thing is supported by JBoss.

I'm just trying to simplify something my DBA says I should be able to 
do. Thanks.


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