On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 16:45, Scott M Stark wrote:
> All dendencies must be started before you mbean. Show the
> startup message ordering that illustrates otherwise. You say
> you specify one ejb dependency. If other ejbs are used
> directly or indirectly then some ejbs in the jar may not have
> been started when you mbean is started. EJBs are deployed
> in the order entities, sessions, followed by mdbs with each
> section of ejbs deployed in the ejb-jar.xml declaration order.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the response.

I've attached a gzip'd jboss log from a jboss 3.2.1 startup showing that
the jboss-anvilmarket2-service.xml file is deployed before any of the
EJBs in the ejb-anvil-market.jar are deployed, resulting in "class not
found" error.

I think the <depends> tags in jboss-anvilmarket2-service.xml should make
the mbean deployment wait until after the named EJB has deployed,
however this is not happening.

The very same ejb jar and -service.xml work fine if I force the
deployment order by copying them into the deploy directory manually one
by one.

Alex Hornby.

Attachment: jboss.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <classpath codebase="lib" archives="quickfix.jar"/>

  <mbean code="com.anvil.ate.market.common.ApplicationConstants"
    <attribute name="ServerName">localhost</attribute>
    <attribute name="InOrderQ">inboundOrderQueue</attribute>
    <attribute name="InQuoteQ">inboundQuoteQueue</attribute>
    <attribute name="InSessionQ">inboundSessionQueue</attribute>
    <attribute name="OutQ">outboundQueue</attribute>   


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