In Xdoclet 1.2.3beta there are 21 class level & 10 method level tag references for JBoss.
Take a look at @jboss.finder.query & @jboss.query in the Javadocs for Xdoclet.


Hansen, Erik wrote:
Hi. I'm using an Eclipse plugin for generating EJB code and due to its limitations, I've needed to add XDoclet tags to take care of the things that the plugin doesn't. For the most part everything works, but I've been having problems with some of my EJBs. Specifically, I have an EJB with a custom finder method. I've defined it using the ejb.finder tags and I see it get created in the DDs and the home interfaces, but JBoss still complains about a "METHOD NOT FOUND" when I try to invoke it with a client.

I've noticed that there are JBoss specific EJB finder tags. I was thinking at first that these tags either extended the existing functionality of the ejb.finder tags (or replaced them), but now I'm wondering if they're necessary in addition to the generic ejb.finder tags.

Are the app server specific XDoclet tags needed in addition to the generic ejb tags in XDoclet?



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