Title: Message
I'm afraid I never tried MQ with JBoss at all (XA or otherwise). We were using WebLogic and doing JTS transactions in client mode against a remote MQ server.
Danny Yates
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 09 June 2003 13:11
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] JBoss XA transaction with WebSphere MQ

Thanks for the information. I went through this pain already until I discovered that with MQ 5.3, service pack 3 (CSD03) and what IBM is calling the Extended Transaction Client, you are now supposed to be able to make XA work with the 'client mode' of the MQ JMS API (and this is what I am currently trying).

Did you manage to make XA work with MQ 5.2 binding mode and JBoss? I tried that as well with MQ 5.3 and I get the same problem as I currently have, the MDB is not receiving any messages.

If you have a configuration which is working, I am interested, if possible, to get some details.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 3:47 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] JBoss XA transaction with WebSphere MQ

In MQSeries 5.2, you could only use the XAConnectionFactory if you
configured the MQSeries JMS API to use 'bindings mode' instead of
'client mode'. The upshot of this is that the MQSeries Queue Manager
and your Application Server needed to be on the same box, because
bindings mode uses shared memory to communicate.



Danny Yates

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 08 June 2003 08:07
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] JBoss XA transaction with WebSphere MQ

Thanks for the reply.
I am working on a complete readme to configure WebSphere MQ in JBoss.
I will submit it as a patch once I am done, no problem.

I am not sure to understand what you are referring to when talking about
JNDI. If this is about bringing the WebSphere MQ queue/topic and connection
factory object in the JBoss namespace, I actually wrote my own custom
MBeans, wrapped them in a sar file and deploy it. The nice thing about it is
that I have a jboss-service.xml in the sar which is similar to the
jbossmq-destinations file and which allows me to declare as many WSMQ object
as I need.

The <xa-connection>false</xa-connection> is something that I have to do to
have a WS MQ MDB working. I am not able to make the XA connection factory of
WS MQ working. If I try to use it, the MDB never receives any messages, I am
not sure to know why yet. Any suggestions at what I might need to look at?
The MDB gets deployed without any errors; my client application is sending
the message fine (I can see them in the WSMQ queue through the WSMQ admin
tool), but the MDB never receives them. I think something wrong is happening
because JBoss does not shutdown properly after that. It hangs in the
stopping of the MDB, I think.

I managed to create a new JMS resource adapter as you suggested. It seems to
work fine. I need to check if I can send a message to a JBoss and a WSMQ
queue using my two resource adapters but all in one transaction.
I did experience some problems if I change the following value in my new JMS
resource adapter:
        <adapter-display-name>JMS Adapter</adapter-display-name>
If it is not set to "JMS Adapter", then JBoss complains about the deployment
being incomplete because of some dependencies with ConnectionManager and
pool (or something like that. I can try to find the exact message if
needed). Any ideas why?

Thanks again for the help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Brock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 8:07 AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] JBoss XA transaction with WebSphere MQ

Hi Thomas,

Sounds like you have it nearly correct.

If you can post the working configuration as
a patch at www.sf.net/projects/jboss
I will include them in docs/examples/jms,
I don't have MQSeries so I can't test it.

For JNDI you have three options.
1) Bind the external context into jboss's jndi
2  Use the following attribute in the provider config
<attribute name="ProviderUrl">whatever</ProviderUrl>
3) Write your own provider adapter

Re: <xa-connection>false</xa-connection>
You will need to specify this when the connection factory
you chose in the JMS provider is not an XAConnectionFactory.

Re: JMS resource adapter
You don't need to change ra.xml, these are just default values.

If you want a new JMS resource adapter, you should make a
new configuration (just like when you make a new data source).
You can specify the provider adapter as a property on the
connection manager.

3.2 style - 3.0 is too long winded :-)
but the idea is the same.

  <!-- JMS XA Resource adapter, use this to get transacted JMS in beans
    <adapter-display-name>MQ JMS Adapter</adapter-display-name>
    <config-property name="JmsProviderAdapterJNDI"
    <config-property name="SessionDefaultType"


Adrian Brock
Director of Support
Back Office
JBoss Group, LLC
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sent: 06 June 2003 05:59
Subject: [JBoss-user] JBoss XA transaction with WebSphere MQ

I have been playing with JBoss 3.0.5 and WebSphere MQ 5.3 (ex-MQSeries)
for a while now.
I managed to create a new JMS provider in JBoss for WebSphere MQ:
In jms-service.xml, duplicate the org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader
mbean. Change the ProviderName to WebSphereMQJMSProvider, change the
QueueFactoryRef to WSMQConnectionFactory (I also changed the
TopicFactoryRef to WSMQConnectionFactory, but I did not play with
topics). I am passing the details on how to add the
WSMQConnectionFactory to the JBoss JNDI space.
I managed to create a new configuration for MDB listening to WS MQ:
In standardjboss.xml, duplicate the Standard Message Driven Bean
container configuration. Change the name Standard Message Driven Bean to
WebSphere MQ Message Driven Bean and set the JMSProviderAdapterJNDI to
WebSphereMQJMSProvider (same as ProviderName in jms-service.xml).
After that, I can have two types of MDBs. One listening to a JBoss queue
and one listening to WS MQ queue.
My ultimate goal is to have an MDB listening to a queue X and forward
each received messages to a queue Y.
I want X to be a JBoss queue or a WS MQ queue.
I want Y to be a JBoss queue or a WS MQ queue.
I want the reading and forwarding of the message to be done within the
same transaction.
If X and Y are JBoss queues, no problem (container transaction-type in
the MDB ejb-jar.xml and java:/JmsXA for Y connection factory).
If X is a JBoss queue and Y is a WS MQ queue, I also manage to make it
work but with a little more pain:
        - I had to change the JmsProviderAdapterJNDI config property
value in the ra.xml of the jms-ra.rar (the JMS resource adapter for XA)
in order to point to my WebSphereMQJMSProvider.
        - I had to tweak the JAAS settings of the JMS XA resource
adapter in jms-service.xml (WS MQ did not like the default guest/guest
user/password used when creating the JMS session)
I have two concerns for this specific case:
        - Is there a simpler way to do that or is it THE way to do it?
        - Let's imagine that I want to forward the message to a second
queue - Z - which is not a WS MQ queue. How do I do that since the JMS
XA resource adapter seems to work with only one specific connection
Finally, as soon as X is a WS MQ, then the messages are never delivered
to my MDB. I am not sure to know why, I am still looking into it. It is
really linked to the XA piece (if I use the non XA connection factory of
WS MQ and I use <xa-connection>false</xa-connection> in my jboss.xml of
the MDB, it is working fine.
Is there anything that I am missing in the MDB configuration when it is
used in an XA context? Something similar to what I had to do for the
JMS XA resource adapter?
Any pointers or suggestions on any of those points will be really

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