Title: Message
Hi folks,
           I've just encountered a small problem concerning the implementation of a method that returns the entity instance with the greatest id.
Basically my entity bean only has a remote interface at the minute which is proving to be the problem. I was using an ejbSelect method to
retrieve all the instances of the entity bean, ascendingly ordered by the primary key (a long primitive).
If I'm correct and please set me straight if I'm not, the ejbSelect method doesn't actually return a set of localHome objects but instead returns a set
containing all the primaryKeys for all the entities.
By this logic then if I retrieve the long value of the first element in the set then I'll have the max id. By returning this value in the remote call shouldn't
the container interrupt the call take the primary key value and then return the remote EJBObject corresponding to this primary key?
I'm not sure how feasible it sounds but what I'm wondering is whether or not there's a restriction on implementations of remote finder methods using
ejbSelect methods?
Is it incorrect practice for an entity bean to have both a remote and local set of interfaces?
Is the container able to distinguish when to return the appropriate interface?
Am I going about this the wrong way altogether?

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