I would like to limit the number of EJB object
references returned by an entity's home interface's
finder method(s) through the corresponding finder
method(s) ejb-ql statement.
This is my situation. I am developing a module that
would process a user defined number of entity EJB that
satisfy a specific criterion. This module is in fact
an independent client application running outside the
EJB container, this means that I will obtain the
corresponding EJB objects from the returned EJB object
references and package each into a serializable data
object. This client application should process the
serializable data objects in batches. Example: if the
batch size specified by the user during deployment is
5, the client application will obtain the first five
qualifying objects, then after processing the batch,
it would obtain the next five and process the same and
so on.
The client application along with the resources used
by it (in the EJB container) should have small memory

How can I write this size restrictive ejb-ql query.
Is there any other way of achieving the same keeping
in mind the size unrestricted ejb-ql query may return
a large number (count) of object references.


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