You are not reading this correctly. There is the 2.3 web.xml descriptor
resource-ref which allows a res-type and there is the jboss-web.xml
descriptor resource-ref which only allows either the jndi-name or
res-url. The section talking about the res-type is on the standard descriptors,
ejb-jar.xml and web.xml.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

Erik Price wrote:


On page 197 of the 3.2.x JBoss docs (JBoss Administration and Development, 3rd Edition), the description of jboss-web.xml says that within the <resource-ref> element, an optional <res-type> element can appear. However, the jboss-web_3_2.dtd doesn't seem to allow this element to appear. Is this just a technical mistake, or am I using the wrong DTD?

<!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC
    "PUBLIC -//JBoss//DTD Web Application 2.3V2//EN"

Basically, I'm not sure where to specify my JDBC connection parameters for a BMP that makes some DB calls. I feel like I'm reading the right part of the docs but I guess I'm just not seeing it.



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