
I'm trying to currently get a two node cluster and a client work only in
a failover setup.  I'm using jboss-3.2.1.

my jboss.xml file has entries such as:




And, my client code has jndi.properties that look like:


(20100 is the HA-JNDI port for these two machines).

The behaviour that I'd like is for the client to use just the first host ( until it fails, and then failover to host 2 ( However, no matter what I try, the client seems to round-robin the calls. I've read through the purchased clustering docs, and I'm failing to see something simple here.

The clustering DOES appear to work flawlessly, as I have stateful, stateless, and entity beans all in this partition, which work. My problem is that I want fail-over really, not clustering per se.

Any pointers?

Russ Chan

-- -- Russell Chan, Navaho Networks Inc. 416 542 1590 x108

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