Hi Friends,

I have trouble to get loadbalancing to run. May be I'm only over see something since I have much time pressure. ;(

I have 3 node jboss-3.2.2RC3_jetty-4.2.11 on one machine running with the binding service. The farming service is running well.
I have my main application that run only on one node and an small project that i want to distribute over a set of nodes.
I have an import job that load data to my system. This data need to processed. So for each imported data set i send an message to an queue where an MDB listen. This MDB should start an session bean of my small distributed project.

My Session Bean has the <clustered>true</clustered> tag and I use the remote Home object to acess this session bean. Anyways the session bean is not invoked on the cluster nodes. ;(
If i run all only on one node then it is working, so far i have an cluster running it does not working any more.

What I have to do, so my MDB can invoke the session bean on the cluster nodes?

Thanks for any hints.

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