In my .ear I have a .jar. (I guess that's better than having my ear in a jar. ahahhaaha.....)
Anyway, it seems that anytime I have jboss.xml in the META-INF directory, as I've seen some example code doing, I get an exception: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=Partner,service=EJB already registered.

If I don't have jboss.xml there things work as best they have so far. I wouldn't have put jboss.xml into the jar except that I'm trying to figure out why my session beans are being found in JNDI, but my entity beans are not.
What's the purpose of jboss.xml? The file that I think its conflicting with is ejb-jar.xml.
For that matter, when is jbosscmp-jdbc.xml needed? I don't see any difference whether its in the META-INF directory or not.

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