I was wondering if anyone out there who is using Struts with Tomcat embedded in JBoss could send me their jboss-web.xml. I think I need to specify something with the following tags:


But I'm not sure what that needs to be. I've already tried making docBase /jsp.

My webapp is structured like so:


(ie. my jsp directory is not within my WEB-INF dir)

and my .jsp files are in the jsp directory.

In struts-config.xml I have entries like this:

<action path="/foo/listAllPartners"
<forward name="listPartners" path="/foo/listPartners.jsp"/>

I see that my ListPartnersAction class runs and retrieves records from the database, but it is unable to find the .jsp needed to render the page so Tomcat gives me a 404 saying:

The requested resource (/foo/listPartners.jsp) is not available.

Does anyone know what I need to do in order for struts to get my .jsp files from the right directory?

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