Two things, I think you can set a LoadBalance policy on home

xdoclet tags:

 * @jboss.cluster-config
 *  partition-name="MyCluster"
 *  home-policy="org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin"
 *  bean-policy="org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin"

The other way is not to call home.create() for every call.

Rafal Kedziorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi,
> in the latest (2003-08-03) payed clustering documentation on page 37
> listing 5-5 and 5-6 shows how poxies works.
> Now my question. We workinf with JBoss 3.2.2RC2 and 3.2.2RC4 and start
> to develop an application which will run on a JBoss cluster. We want
> to user Round-Robin. Our Client is the web container, which uses the
> business logic implemented in app server.
> Browse --call to Web-Container--> Web-Container --call to
> App-Server-->
> App-Server
> Our service locator will cache the remote interfaces of our session
> beans facades. That means, that on each call to a method on facade, we
> would create a new proxy (Remote myRemote = myHome.create()). That
> means, that the one call to the method goes every time to the same
> node in our partition, cause the calls are not load-balanced.

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