On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 07:44, Muraly R wrote:
> Hi Gurus,
> The error I am facing on my web side is:
> ERROR 17/Jul/2003 15:07:36 [Thread-32] (MonWizardData.java:416):
> web.MonPolicyWizardServlet$1 - java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: Could
> not activate;
> The problem is the web is having reference to a Statefull session
> bean, and if I leave the page for more than 30 mins without any action
> and continue to work, this exception is thrown on web side.
> What I think as the problem is with activating the Statefull session
> bean.
> My Queies:
> 1. What is default time-out value for a Satefull session bean in
> JBoss?
> 2. If it can be configured to my needs, where can I cahnge it(by
> default out application web timeout is 2 hrs.)?

You will find the default timeout in standardjboss.xml.
You can make your own configuration in jboss.xml


> Cheers
> Muraly
Adrian Brock
Director of Support
Back Office
JBoss Group, LLC 

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