Title: Jboss 2.x-to-3.x. upgrade HOWTO?


Is there a HOWTO document for upgrading from Jboss 2.x to 3.x?

I've plunked down my dinero for the documentation pdf, waded through the 700 plus pages, but am still at a loss as to the best way to package up ears for Jboss 3.0 deployment or how use best use manifests for .ear classpaths.

Along these lines I'd like something to elucidate this line from the documentation:

• Existing deployments may need to be repackaged to avoid duplicate classes. Duplication of classes
in a loader repository can lead to ClassCastException s and LinkageError s depending on
how the classes are loaded. As of the 3.0.5RC1 release this should generally not be a problem, but
may still exist.


bill milbratz

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