Hi there,

sorry i have still problems by bringing a sql query in a useable ejb-ql synatax.
I had browse some ejb.ql how to but still have problems compiling my ejb-ql statement.
Could someone give me a hint?

select distinct(o.fk_Topic), count(a.fk_document) as num from Occurrence o,Occurrence a where o.fk_document = 752 AND o.fk_topic = a.fk_topic group by fk_topic order by num DESC LIMIT 0,10;

SELECT DISTINCT (t.topic.uniqueSequence), COUNT(o.document.uniqueSequence) as num FROM Occurrence t, Occurrence o where t.document.uniqueSequence = ?1 AND t.topic.uniqueSequence = o.topic.uniqueSequence ORDER BY num LIMIT 0,10

Thanks!!! Stefan

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