I’m fairly new to JDBC development and JBoss.  I have the following code in a stateless session bean.


            try {

                  boolean exists;

                  prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(USERNAME_EXISTS);

                  prepStmt.setString(1, username);

                  ResultSet result = prepStmt.executeQuery();

                  exists = result.next();


                  return exists;

            } catch (EJBException e) {

                  log.error("Error checking if username exists: ", e);

                  throw new EJBException(e);

            } finally {

                  try {


                  } catch (Exception e) {/* Do Nothing */}

                  try {


                  } catch (Exception e) {/* Do Nothing */}




Every time I execute the above method I get the following log entry:


WARN  [WrappedConnection] Closing a statement you left open, please do your own housekeeping


Any idea what I’m doing to warrant that warning?  When I step through the code with a debugger prepStmt.close() is executed with no exception and when conn.close() is executed that warning pops up.  prepStmt is the only statement I’m creating with that connection.  Anyone have any ideas?



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