Previously, we've talked about separating coding references from the
physical resources. This is fairly simple with an integrated
JBoss-Tomcat implementation. jboss-web.xml provides the mapping so that
ejb-ref-name -> jndi-name. However, how do you preserve that separation
when you are working with a standalone Tomcat installation? This short
howto explains the Tomcat JNDI resources and how to implement an Object
Factory to support JBoss lookups on a standalone Tomcat server. Again,
aimed more at newbies struggling with enabling simpler portability of
their web applications.

The document and the document/source bundle can be located at

Hope it is of use.

| Jon Barnett                                                          |
| E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           |
| Homepage:          Date: 16.11.2003 |
|                                                                      |
| Is he not set abuf apone his ringne                                  |
| As soverane his puple for to lede?                                   |
| Whi schuld he spare or quhom of schuld he dred                       |
| To say the treuth, as he of right is hold?                           |
|     l.1952,1955 - Lancelot of the Laik                               |

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