I have a deployment issue that shows up on Unix (Solaris) but not on

I have an ear file that contains a number of enterprise beans each in its
own jar file.

When I attempt to deploy the ear file it will deploy some of the enterprise
beans, but invariably fail on at least one with the error message that is
the subject of this email.

The deployment descriptors are quite simple, pretty much copies of each
other with only the names of the bean changed.  For example,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






This is one of the beans that fails.
I'm running JBoss 3.2.2 on both Solaris and Windows.  I don't get this error
on Windows.

I tends to be the same beans that crash, although there is some variation
depending on the order the beans deploy in.
I haave run dos2unix across all the deployment descriptors including

Any ideas?

Bruce Ashton
Senior Developer
Ext. 8272

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