Works for me. How do you configure the relationships? Do you have a testcase?

Heinz-Dieter Conradi wrote:
hi all,

i have just encountered the following problem, and i just don't know if i
am doing something really stupid or if i have run into a limitation of the

i have an entity bean which has two cmr-fields to the same table (bean):

public abstract class CrossingBean implements EntityBean {


public abstract StreetLocal getStreet1();

public abstract StreetLocal getStreet2();



where the StreetBean is another entity bean which has a 'street' property.

then i have defined a finder, whose xdoclet-tags looks as follows:

 * @ejb.finder
 *      signature="de.s_tec.vb2.server.beans.location.Crossing
 *          findByName(
 *                  java.lang.String street1
 *              )"
 *      query="SELECT OBJECT(o)
 *             FROM Crossing AS o
 *             WHERE o.street1.street = ?1"

when deploying this bean i get an exception which says:

Unknown terminal field: at line 1, column 128.  Encountered: "street"
after: "o.street1.")

however, when i remove the 'street2' property from my bean, everything
deploys fine.

what is going on here? am i just stupid?

tia, heinz-dieter conradi

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