Privjet Alexey,

it's working. thx.


At 17:51 12.12.2003, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
Rafal Kedziorski wrote:

At 17:30 12.12.2003, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:

Yes, I have.

I try on monday update or new check out.

It's absolutely ok.
I will test myself also. There is an issue with ORDER BY. Currently, it is added at the end of the statement, while, at least for MySql it should be before 'FOR UPDATE'.

I didn't see any updates and

You can subscribe to jboss-cvs-commits mailing list. It is there.

And I guess, you won't be able to check out the changes with anonymous login immediately and might need to wait for 24 hours.

didn't show new commits.


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