Hi Martin,

I recently had a similar problem; it stemmed from, if I recall
correctly, a createStatement() call that was returning a
ResultSet that didn't have the properties specified in the
JavaDocs [perhaps one day we'll have an Informix JDBC driver
that meets the JDBC specs].

Using createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
did the trick in that case.


On Thursday, 29 January 2004 at 11:13am, Martin Thomas wrote:

> We have been successfully using Jboss version 3.2.1 and a datasource to
> Informix 9.3. Following upgrading Jboss to 3.2.3 we now get the
> following error:
> SQLException: Read only mode not supported
> Is there a change in the way that datasources are obtained between these
> 2 versions and if so how can I specify the connection type to be read
> and write.

My opinions, not my employer's.

Roy Britten
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
PO Box 8602, Christchurch, New Zealand
P: +64-3-343-7818
F: +64-3-348-5548

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