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I am trying to get 'hold' of 'DistributedMap', stroe some application level data into 
it and make it available across the cluster.(Jboss-3.0.8)

1. Facing problem in looking up the service. I got a code written by Scott from 
google, and tried to run a part of it. Its a simple lookup.

(The server is running in clustered mode)

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

String jndiName = "/HAPartition/" + "DefaultPartition";

 ------->HAPartition partition = (HAPartition) ctx.lookup(jndiName);

DistributedMap entryMap = partition.getDistributedMapService();


How ever i get a classcast exception at the --------> line

Do i have to do domething extra to get this running

2. I f i get hold of DistributedMap, where I can find methods to  retrieve/put objects 
into it.

3. Is DistributedMap gonna take care of repllication of changed values across the 

Excuse me for an array of quesitons, but i am not able to get good resource on this.




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