There is another option.

The JMX Spec allows you to override the MBeanServerBuilder Implementation.
Just add
= to your run.conf and you are
done. Almost.

Because you first might encounter a few JMX JDK Bugs, which will prevent
booting JBoss. I have reported them against build-32 and got a confirmation
that those are fixed, but haven't been able to check whether they made it in
the current build or not.

The second problem is the "broken" LoaderRepository implementation within
Jboss (4.x), so you need to patch Jboss in order to get it up and running.

If you interested I can post a few more details.


On 2/5/04 1:17 PM Heinz-Dieter Conradi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> thanks to all who responded,
> the point indeed is the fact that with 1.5 sun bundles the jmx extension
> with the standard edition.
> (i.e. recompiling would not work, however recompiling does at all, since
> ant complaints: [execmodules] javac: source release 1.4 requires target
> release 1.4)
> putting the jboss libraries one after the other in Xbootclasspath (or with
> the same effect in jre/lib/endorsed) just got me to a nullpointer
> exception when it tried to get hold of a manager.
> at last i tried to just ged rid of the management extension from sun.
> i unjared the rt.jar file from sun, got rid of the whole javax/management
> directory, jared it again and put it at it's place in jre/lib.
> jboss then booted and my tests indeed worked :-)
> again, thanks to all, heinz-dieter
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