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First some brief background....

I have been using JBoss 3.0.4 with embedded Catalina 4.0.6 

successfully for quite some time now.  

I typically run multiple web apps (both JSP and servlets) as 

well as a number of EJBs.  These

applications have a combination of both static html pages (very 

few) as well as dynamically

generated pages (most of them are like this).  In either case, 

everything that is needed for a

specfic app is contained in its associated war file(s).

Recently, I had a new requirement though that I need some 

assistance with.  Unlike my typcial

situation above, I now have a hiearchal directory of truely 

static pages that needs to be served

in combination with one of my more typical dynamic apps.

I placed the directory into the deploy directory and thought 

that all would be fine.  However,

this did not work (page not found errors) as I navigated to 

http://ip:port/<path to static page>.

I then decided to wrap the static page directory hiearchy inside 

of an exploded war file 

directory structure with a trivial web.xml descriptor.  This 

get's me further in that if I

now navigate to http://ip:port//<path to static page>, 

the browser will find it for

SOME files.  Basically everything that is in the top directory 

of static directory hiearchy is

now visible.  However, anything referencing something in any of 

the static subdirs provides the

"page not found" error.....

I've looked into the tomcat-service.xml and played with adding a 

specifc context with a different

docbase to no avail.  I'm sure I'm missing something simple as 

I've never had to worry about 

this before.  I'd appreciate any assistance and appropriate 

config file snippets.


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