
As you may have noticed there was sudden increase of email traffic on
user and dev.  The reason is that we are forwarding all posts from the
forums online, which run on JBoss NUKES btw, to the mailing list.  This
is a good thing (TM) as it pings us the developers by email and prompts
us to respond.  I know I for one have responded when I hadn't responded
on user for a long time ;).  It will bring the usability of the forums
up as well. 

WHAT I WANT YOU GUYS TO DO (please), is to post on FORUMS instead of
here directly, I know a lot of you still use mailing directly thinking
you will get a faster answer.  It is the same with the forums now as it
all ends up here.  You will still get the answers here as the forums
post here.  The advantage is that we can categorize all the questions
you post as all forums are split by topic, we also store it all in a
database under NUKES so it will increase the search accuracy.  

Thanks for your help guys, again PLEASE USE THE FORUMS, 

we are fully dedicated to making your JBoss experience as nice as


PS: <sales-pitch> THERE IS A JBOSS TRAINING IN HOUSTON in 10 days, this
is the advanced training.  I recommend you guys sign up for that one
soon as it is the only training US in Q1.  So go and sign today at (link is houston adv on top right).  The price is $3000
for 4 days of intense JBoss training. We hope to see you there, Scott
and Alex are giving the training.

<talk-pitch> January 24 WE WILL BE AT THE AUSTIN JUG TALK.  So be sure
to show up.  

The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
JBoss-user mailing list

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