I am running Jboss 3.2.2 with sun java 1.4.2_03 in 32-bit version (on Solaris).
I have bean, which works as client of ejb. 
Inside, I call something as:
 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

but it crashes to NPE:
[some_client][ERROR] NullPointerException ...

I was worked for weeks, but not now.
I was try to stop jboss, delete the /data, /work, /tmp and start again, but stil
does not work. Why? where can I look else?

This cliet is in /deploy directory in jar, as ejb jar package too.

And, another question - is possible to schedule business method on stateless
session ejb from scheduler-service.xml? Or I must always have a scheduled bean
or special scheduled mbean to call it?

The last question - when will be new jboss? I was red some messages here thant
3.2.3 is erroneous and will be released the new version early, but still there
is 3.2.3 ... Shortly, is 3.2.3 defective or not? 

Thanks, Jiri

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